Ultimate SEO guide Part 3

Performance and Tracking

Performance Tracking is the process of monitoring and analysing various metrics to measure the effectiveness of your website's visibility in Google search results.

Install Google Tag Manager and Search Console

Google Tag Manager and Google Search Console offer valuable tools for incorporating SEO tags into your content and monitoring the effectiveness of your SEO strategy. Utilizing Tag Manager allows you to effortlessly update or insert code snippets and SEO tags on your website pages without the need to inform your developer. These tags play a crucial role in attracting organic traffic from individuals interested in exploring specific topics.

As for Search Console, it provides a comprehensive overview of the performance of each page on your site. Metrics such as organic searches, referrals, queries, and more are available for analysis to gauge the success of your SEO campaign. Both tools, provided for free by Google, streamline the process of promoting your content and evaluating your results. Consider downloading and installing them at the outset of your website optimization journey to equip yourself with the necessary tools for success.

Add Google Analytics

Installing Google Analytics is possible on any website, offering valuable metrics and insights. For instance, you can track the number of visitors a webpage receives and observe the duration users spend on your site.

Responsive Design

Opting for a responsive design approach implies that the website's development should adapt to the user's behaviour and environment. This might involve additional coding and styling to ensure that content is structured in a layout system suitable for display on various devices—whether it be a large monitor, laptop screen, or mobile device.

A notable advantage of Umbraco lies in its open-source nature and platform-agnostic framework. This essentially grants you the freedom to implement any necessary customizations to your theme or design as per your requirements.

Optimise your sites Speed and Performance

Ensuring your website's speed and performance are finely tuned is crucial to eliminate user wait times during page loading. Enhancing your site's performance not only elevates the user experience but also reduces bounce rates and boosts conversion rates.

The speed metric gauges how swiftly your computer receives the initial byte from your website's hosting servers. You can enhance speed and performance by implementing file compression to reduce sizes for text and graphics, excluding high-quality images. Actions like minimizing redirects, configuring browser caching, and optimizing images all contribute significantly to accelerating the load speed of your web pages.

Core Web Vitals

Core web vitals encompass metrics associated with page loading speeds, responsiveness, and visual stability, all of which Google evaluates to determine a webpage's overall user experience. The three components under scrutiny include:

  1. Largest Contentful Paint – This measures how long it takes for the largest visible content block on the page to load, essentially gauging the page's loading speed.

  2. First Input Delay – This metric reflects the time it takes for user actions to receive a response from the browser, indicating interactivity.

  3. Cumulative Layout Shift – This assesses the stability of the page during the loading process. If page elements undergo significant movement during loading, users might unintentionally tap on unintended areas.

What make Umbraco SEO friendly?

Websites heavily depend on search engines for driving traffic. Therefore, cooperating effectively with them and providing the necessary elements for appropriate categorization and rating of pages is crucial. Umbraco stands out as an SEO-friendly CMS, offering robust support for search engine optimization in various aspects.

An SEO-friendly CMS such as Umbraco incorporates features that facilitate optimization across:

  1. On-page SEO
  2. Technical SEO
  3. Website performance tools

With a suite of powerful and diverse tools, it's not surprising that Umbraco is the CMS of choice for renowned companies like Microsoft, McDonald's, Mercedes-Benz, and Amnesty International, along with over 700,000 other websites globally.


By incorporating these effective practices to optimize your website, the goal is to enhance your page rankings across leading search engines. Umbraco offers user-friendly SEO packages, like the Soeteman Software SEO Checker, making it easy to implement these practices and streamline the site optimization process. The adaptable nature of our system allows you to fine-tune the user experience to align with your specific objectives.

As a Web Agency, the ultimate aim is to maximize visibility, encouraging user engagement and conversions. This white paper explores achieving such objectives through a robust SEO strategy, delving into essential tactics to guide you on this journey.

Key takeaways include:

  1. Collaborate with your team to define business goals.
  2. Research the searches conducted by potential customers.
  3. Strategize with your team.
  4. Consider an SEO audit.
  5. Optimize your website and offsite channels using the outlined best practices.
  6. Continuously create compelling content to attract prospects.
  7. Implement measurement and reporting.
  8. Fine-tune and make necessary adjustments.

These initial steps lay the foundation for an SEO strategy that should be consistently monitored and adjusted as prospect behaviours and search practices evolve. We strongly recommend involving an SEO professional to stay ahead of your competition.

Should you have any inquiries, we're eager to learn about your project and explore how we can contribute to transforming your website into an SEO powerhouse!